I've finally got my Giant back together after replacing the frame bearings. Getting the bearings in was fairly difficult and lots of patience was needed. I was using the old bearings to press the new ones in using some threaded rod and washers. The aspect which made this difficult was lining up the bearing. As soon as you start to apply pressure, the bearings wedges into the frame at a slant which means you have to constantly back off and re-seat the bearing.
After a while I got all the bearings back in and the frame back together. Put the rear derailleur back on. Bolt the brake caliper on. add the chain and crankset. Job Done, Or so I thought. As I took the the bike out for a quick driveway test, the knocking noise which I was wanting to cure by replacing these bearings was still there! GRRRRRR. It seems to occur within the first few millimetres of travel.
The next thing to check is the shock bushings and mount hardware. If that doesn't uncover anything I will be truly clueless. Anyway, here's a nice picture of her right before I treated her to some sick drops and sweet singletrack.
Ride Safe :)
Before she was treated to singletrack |